In the story “The Necklace” I don’t necessarily think Mathilde was wrong to cover up what she lost. Desperate times call for desperate measures, especially when your social status it at stake. I would say that my reaction was different from many other peoples, I’m not ‘disgusted’ by what Mathilde did, she was right to pay her friend back. I just think that she should have been honest and told her friend what happened to the necklace. I think that Mathilde would genuinely be a good person, when this story was written even more pressure was put on women to wear the ‘right’ clothing and act the ‘right’ way. All Mathilde wanted was to live the American Dream and to be happy, unfortunately the pressure she was put under cost her the perfect life.  Then again… we would never have good stories if everything worked out as planned.

9/13/2013 06:18:54 am

I don't necessarily agree with you that Mathilde did the right thing lying to her friend. However, I do understand why she did it. Your response was very well written.


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