The hard times of the 30’s required responsibility intelligence and bravery, all things that Leannie does not excel at, meaning he would have a very difficult time surviving without his companion George. Firstly Lennie lacks intelligence, he forgets things and doesn't do what he is told. When he was in the forest he couldn't remember what do when they got to the camp, George had to remind him 3 times, proving that he is not very smart. Businessmen are normally looking for smart individuals who can comprehend more difficult tasks as it is those ones that make the most money. Lennie would not be able to perform those tasks as he lacks that intelligence, making landing a job very difficult. Also Lennie has the mind a five year old, not knowing what is right and wrong and never understanding what is allowed and what is not.  George told lennie that it was not a good idea to carry a dead mouse in his pocket, an idea that most adults would comprehend but Lennie did not. Not only is a dead mouse unsanitary but it could carry diseases, this example shows how he does irrational thing that many adults would not do. To lead a normal life would be almost impossible for someone like Lennie that doesn't understand social norms. To sum up Lennie would have a very difficult time surviving without a friend like George to help him out.

Ms. D
10/17/2013 05:09:46 am

This is a well developed paragraph.Poor Lennie - you are right, he can be irrational, but mainly because he isn't thinking about his actions and how they impact others.


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